Written and directed by Mitani Kouki, Suteki na Kakushidori (Lovely Candid Shot) is a 1 hour 30 minutes TV Special made to promote the upcoming movie Suteki na Kanashibari – Once in a blue moon. The story has no connection whatsoever, but we can see the same group of actors that appear in the movie as well. The trademark Mitani humour is same as well.
The construction of the plot is simple – tomboyish Mie (Fukatsu Eri) works as a hotel concierge and has to deal with ridiculous request by the guests from the suite. Each guest has their own episode sewed together by short commentary scenes in the lobby, where Mie discuss the guests’ background with her superior.
The main highlight are the guests – I personally liked the circus acrobat (so adorably dumb Kusanagi Tsuyoshi) and cooking charisma (Takeuchi Yuuko) episodes best, but they are all equally entertaining. The director himself also appears, obviously as an approval seeking movie director.
My point for this show
If you liked the setting, try Uchouten Hotel (Suite Dreams) – a movie from 2006 also written and directed by Mitani Kouki with as usual exceptional all-star cast and gallery of characters you can’t get bored with. It’s more complete as a story than rather chopped in pieces Suteki na Kakushidori.
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